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Types of PHBooklet


A PHBooklet costs CHF 25 per animal per year. Use is free of charge for the first 14 days. Payment is collected via an online payment system stored on the platform and not via the vet.

PHBooklets can currently be created for dogs and cats of all breeds (or mixed breeds). If you would like the PHBooklet to be available for other types of pets, let us know via the contact form and we'll see what we can do!

Both owners and veterinarians can upload and download documents (reports, expertises, scientific studies, laboratory data, photos and videos) to a PHBooklet. Veterinarians can send documents to the owner by e-mail and ask them to upload these documents to the PHBooklet.


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Device compatibility

We recommend that you share your PHBooklet with your pet sitter if you are going on holiday without your pet. This way the pet sitter has access to it in an emergency. You can also easily upload all important information such as food preferences, allergies, emergency contacts etc. to the PHBooklet and enjoy your time away knowing that your pet is well looked after.

You can delete a PHBooklet of one of your pets yourself at any time. If you would also like to delete your PHBooklet account, please contact our support:

The PHBooklet platform is not a classic app but programmed in a responsive design...


Applications for a dysplasia and patellar luxation report can be made in 3 ways: by the pet owner: registration on, creation of a PH booklet for their pet, registration of a dysplasia or patellar luxation request. The application is sent to the desired practice. The report is displayed in the PHBooklet after completion. by the veterinary practice by searching for an existing PHBooklet and requesting access from the animal owner if access is not yet available. Once the report has been finalised, it is displayed in the PHBooklet. by the veterinary practice if no PHBooklet exists for the animal. Once the report has been finalised, the practice must hand it over to the pet owner (by e-mail or print and send). Information on dysplasia examinations: Information on patellar luxation examinations:




X-ray and other DICOM images must be uploaded to the PHBooklet by the vet. Pet owners can view these images and download them in JPG format.

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The PHBooklet can be shared with a practice/clinic, a vet and another person of your choice. Sharing with a practice, clinic or vet is done in the "authorised network" area.


A PHBooklet can be transferred to another person when the animal is placed or sold, for example. If a PHBooklet is transferred, the new owner must pay the subscription costs. It is possible to retain access to a transferred PHBooklet (e.g. breeders who wish to retain access to PHBooklets of sold puppies).

Web-APP PHBooklet

There is no PHBooklet APP (yet), but a web-based app is available.

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